This is Refresh, an XNA-inspired 3D graphics library with modern capabilities.

Refresh is licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE for details.

About Refresh
Refresh is directly inspired by FNA3D and intended to be a replacement for XNA's Graphics namespace.
XNA 4.0 is a powerful API, but its shader system is outdated and certain restrictions are awkward to handle in a modern context.
Refresh intends to provide an ergonomic high-level API that maps nicely to modern graphics pipelines.
Refresh will have a Vulkan runtime implementation. Support for other APIs like DX12 may come later.
For shaders, we plan to consume SPIR-V bytecode.

Refresh depends on SDL2. It also depends on FNA3D to ease interoperability in FNA.
Refresh never explicitly uses the C runtime.

Building Refresh
For *nix platforms, use CMake:

    $ mkdir build/
    $ cd build/
    $ cmake ../
    $ make

Other platforms coming soon.

Want to contribute?
Issues can be reported and patches contributed via Github: