date: 2016-04-09T16:50:16+02:00
title: Multilingual and i18n
weight: 30

**Learn theme** is fully compatible with Hugo multilingual mode.

It provides:

- Translation strings for default values (English and French). Feel free to contribute !
- Automatic menu generation from multilingual content
- In-browser language switching

![I18n menu](/cont/i18n/images/i18n-menu.gif)

## Basic configuration

After learning [how Hugo handle multilingual websites](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual), define your languages in your `config.toml` file.

For example with current French and English website.

# English is the default language
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# Force to have /en/my-page and /fr/my-page routes, even for default language.
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir= true

title = "Documentation for Hugo Learn Theme"
weight = 1
languageName = "English"

title = "Documentation du thème Hugo Learn"
weight = 2
languageName = "Français"

Then, for each new page, append the *id* of the language to the file.

- Single file `my-page.md` is split in two files:
    - in English: `my-page.en.md`
    - in French: `my-page.fr.md`
- Single file `_index.md` is split in two files:
    - in English: `_index.en.md`
    - in French: `_index.fr.md`

{{% notice info %}}
Be aware that only translated pages are displayed in menu. It's not replaced with default language content.
{{% /notice %}}

{{% notice tip %}}
Use [slug](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translate-your-content) Front Matter parameter to translate urls too.
{{% /notice %}}

## Overwrite translation strings

Translations strings are used for common default values used in the theme (*Edit this page* button, *Search placeholder* and so on). Translations are available in french and english but you may use another language or want to override default values.

To override these values, create a new file in your local i18n folder `i18n/<idlanguage>.toml` and inspire yourself from the theme `themes/hugo-theme-learn/i18n/en.toml` 

By the way, as these translations could be used by other people, please take the time to propose a translation by [making a PR](https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn/pulls) to the theme ! 

## Disable language switching

Switching the language in the browser is a great feature, but for some reasons you may want to disable it. 

Just set `disableLanguageSwitchingButton=true` in your `config.toml`

  # When using mulitlingual website, disable the switch language button.
  disableLanguageSwitchingButton = true

![I18n menu](/cont/i18n/images/i18n-menu.gif)