title: "Closing Thoughts"
date: 2019-06-11T17:46:15-07:00
weight: 50000

We have our game loop but there's still plenty of ways we could improve our game.

The gameplay is pretty basic right now. We could probably speed it up. Mouse controls would probably feel good. You could add a human vs human mode very easily.

But you could go even crazier if you wanted.  Why not throw some fancy particle effects in here. Add a four player mode. Or maybe, who cares about Pong, you want to make your own game instead of some glorified stuffy 70s arcade game. Go for it! You're the game designer and it's your world.

At this point you might be looking at our collection of Components, Messages, Engines and Renderers and thinking - this is awfully complex for something as simple as Pong. And you wouldn't be wrong. But over the course of this tutorial I showed you a few different times how easy it was to use and extend functionality we had already built to create new game entities. Over the course of building a much larger game, these benefits grow exponentially, and you will probably find that the structures you build can apply easily across multiple different games as well.

I've been developing games for quite some time now, and I have used plenty of development tools that let you put something simple together very quickly, but become more and more untenable over the course of a multi-month or multi-year project. Let's be real - most of us as game developers aren't trying to make Pong over the course of a weekend. We are trying to build beautiful new creative games, and that process is a long and winding road. Most game engines are hares. Encompass is trying to be a tortoise. Maybe you won't hit the ground sprinting. But you'll win the race in end.

This tutorial should have given you a pretty good idea of how to build your game simulation in Encompass. If you have suggestions for how the tutorial could be made better, or you have further questions about Encompass, or you want to get feedback from other Encompass developers, why not join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/ZYE88fK)?