/* Refresh - XNA-inspired 3D Graphics Library with modern capabilities * * Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Hemsley * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * * Evan "cosmonaut" Hemsley * */ #include "Refresh_Driver.h" #include #define NULL_RETURN(name) if (name == NULL) { return; } #define NULL_RETURN_NULL(name) if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Drivers */ static const REFRESH_Driver *drivers[] = { &VulkanDriver, NULL }; /* Logging */ static void REFRESH_Default_LogInfo(const char *msg) { SDL_LogInfo( SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s", msg ); } static void REFRESH_Default_LogWarn(const char *msg) { SDL_LogWarn( SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s", msg ); } static void REFRESH_Default_LogError(const char *msg) { SDL_LogError( SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s", msg ); } static REFRESH_LogFunc REFRESH_LogInfoFunc = REFRESH_Default_LogInfo; static REFRESH_LogFunc REFRESH_LogWarnFunc = REFRESH_Default_LogWarn; static REFRESH_LogFunc REFRESH_LogErrorFunc = REFRESH_Default_LogError; #define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 1024 void REFRESH_LogInfo(const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); SDL_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); REFRESH_LogInfoFunc(msg); } void REFRESH_LogWarn(const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); SDL_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); REFRESH_LogWarnFunc(msg); } void REFRESH_LogError(const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); SDL_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); REFRESH_LogErrorFunc(msg); } #undef MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE void REFRESH_HookLogFunctions( REFRESH_LogFunc info, REFRESH_LogFunc warn, REFRESH_LogFunc error ) { REFRESH_LogInfoFunc = info; REFRESH_LogWarnFunc = warn; REFRESH_LogErrorFunc = error; } /* Version API */ uint32_t REFRESH_LinkedVersion(void) { return REFRESH_COMPILED_VERSION; } /* Driver Functions */ static int32_t selectedDriver = -1; REFRESH_Device* REFRESH_CreateDevice( void *deviceWindowHandle, uint8_t debugMode ) { if (selectedDriver < 0) { return NULL; } return drivers[selectedDriver]->CreateDevice( deviceWindowHandle, debugMode ); } void REFRESH_DestroyDevice(REFRESH_Device *device) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->DestroyDevice(device); } void REFRESH_Clear( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ClearOptions options, REFRESH_Vec4 **colors, uint32_t colorCount, float depth, int32_t stencil ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->Clear(device->driverData, options, colors, colorCount, depth, stencil); } void REFRESH_DrawIndexedPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline, REFRESH_PrimitiveType primitiveType, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t minVertexIndex, uint32_t numVertices, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t primitiveCount, REFRESH_Buffer *indices, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->DrawIndexedPrimitives( device->driverData, graphicsPipeline, primitiveType, baseVertex, minVertexIndex, numVertices, startIndex, primitiveCount, indices, indexElementSize ); } void REFRESH_DrawInstancedPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline, REFRESH_PrimitiveType primitiveType, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t minVertexIndex, uint32_t numVertices, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t primitiveCount, uint32_t instanceCount, REFRESH_Buffer *indices, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->DrawInstancedPrimitives( device->driverData, graphicsPipeline, primitiveType, baseVertex, minVertexIndex, numVertices, startIndex, primitiveCount, instanceCount, indices, indexElementSize ); } void REFRESH_DrawPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline, REFRESH_PrimitiveType primitiveType, uint32_t vertexStart, uint32_t primitiveCount ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->DrawPrimitives( device->driverData, graphicsPipeline, primitiveType, vertexStart, primitiveCount ); } REFRESH_RenderPass* REFRESH_CreateRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPassCreateInfo *renderPassCreateInfo ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateRenderPass( device->driverData, renderPassCreateInfo ); } REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline* REFRESH_CreateGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo *pipelineCreateInfo ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateGraphicsPipeline( device->driverData, pipelineCreateInfo ); } REFRESH_Sampler* REFRESH_CreateSampler( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SamplerStateCreateInfo *samplerStateCreateInfo ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateSampler( device->driverData, samplerStateCreateInfo ); } REFRESH_Framebuffer* REFRESH_CreateFramebuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_FramebufferCreateInfo *framebufferCreateInfo ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateFramebuffer( device->driverData, framebufferCreateInfo ); } REFRESH_ShaderModule* REFRESH_CreateShaderModule( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ShaderModuleCreateInfo *shaderModuleCreateInfo ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateShaderModule( device->driverData, shaderModuleCreateInfo ); } REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTexture2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t levelCount, uint8_t canBeRenderTarget ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateTexture2D( device->driverData, format, width, height, levelCount, canBeRenderTarget ); } REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTexture3D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t levelCount, uint8_t canBeRenderTarget ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateTexture3D( device->driverData, format, width, height, depth, levelCount, canBeRenderTarget ); } REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTextureCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t size, uint32_t levelCount, uint8_t canBeRenderTarget ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->CreateTextureCube( device->driverData, format, size, levelCount, canBeRenderTarget ); } REFRESH_ColorTarget* REFRESH_GenColorTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t multisampleCount, REFRESH_TextureSlice textureSlice ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->GenColorTarget( device->driverData, multisampleCount, textureSlice ); } REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget* REFRESH_GenDepthStencilTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, REFRESH_DepthFormat format ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->GenDepthStencilTarget( device->driverData, width, height, format ); } REFRESH_Buffer* REFRESH_GenVertexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t sizeInBytes ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->GenVertexBuffer( device->driverData, sizeInBytes ); } REFRESH_Buffer* REFRESH_GenIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t sizeInBytes ) { NULL_RETURN_NULL(device); return device->GenIndexBuffer( device->driverData, sizeInBytes ); } void REFRESH_SetTextureData2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t level, void *data, uint32_t dataLengthInBytes ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetTextureData2D( device->driverData, texture, x, y, w, h, level, data, dataLengthInBytes ); } void REFRESH_SetTextureData3D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetTextureData3D( device->driverData, texture, x, y, z, w, h, d, level, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_SetTextureDataCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, REFRESH_CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetTextureDataCube( device->driverData, texture, x, y, w, h, cubeMapFace, level, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_SetTextureDataYUV( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *y, REFRESH_Texture *u, REFRESH_Texture *v, uint32_t yWidth, uint32_t yHeight, uint32_t uvWidth, uint32_t uvHeight, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetTextureDataYUV( device->driverData, y, u, v, yWidth, yHeight, uvWidth, uvHeight, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_SetVertexBufferData( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint32_t offsetInBytes, void* data, uint32_t elementCount, uint32_t vertexStride ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetVertexBufferData( device->driverData, buffer, offsetInBytes, data, elementCount, vertexStride ); } void REFRESH_SetIndexBufferData( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint32_t offsetInBytes, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetIndexBufferData( device->driverData, buffer, offsetInBytes, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_PushVertexShaderParams( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *pipeline, void *data, uint32_t elementCount, uint32_t elementSizeInBytes ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->PushVertexShaderParams( device->driverData, pipeline, data, elementCount, elementSizeInBytes ); } void REFRESH_PushFragmentShaderParams( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *pipeline, void *data, uint32_t elementCount, uint32_t elementSizeInBytes ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->PushFragmentShaderParams( device->driverData, pipeline, data, elementCount, elementSizeInBytes ); } void REFRESH_SetVertexSamplers( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *pipeline, REFRESH_Texture **pTextures, REFRESH_Sampler **pSamplers ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetVertexSamplers( device->driverData, pipeline, pTextures, pSamplers ); } void REFRESH_SetFragmentSamplers( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *pipeline, REFRESH_Texture **pTextures, REFRESH_Sampler **pSamplers ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->SetFragmentSamplers( device->driverData, pipeline, pTextures, pSamplers ); } void REFRESH_GetTextureData2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->GetTextureData2D( device->driverData, texture, x, y, w, h, level, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_GetTextureDataCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, REFRESH_CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->GetTextureDataCube( device->driverData, texture, x, y, w, h, cubeMapFace, level, data, dataLength ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeTexture( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeTexture( device->driverData, texture ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeSampler( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Sampler *sampler ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeSampler( device->driverData, sampler ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeVertexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeVertexBuffer( device->driverData, buffer ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeIndexBuffer( device->driverData, buffer ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeColorTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ColorTarget *colorTarget ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeColorTarget( device->driverData, colorTarget ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeDepthStencilTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget *depthStencilTarget ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeDepthStencilTarget( device->driverData, depthStencilTarget ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeFramebuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Framebuffer *frameBuffer ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeFramebuffer( device->driverData, frameBuffer ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeShaderModule( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ShaderModule *shaderModule ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeShaderModule( device->driverData, shaderModule ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeRenderPass( device->driverData, renderPass ); } void REFRESH_AddDisposeGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->AddDisposeGraphicsPipeline( device->driverData, graphicsPipeline ); } void REFRESH_BeginRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass, REFRESH_Framebuffer *framebuffer, REFRESH_Rect renderArea, REFRESH_Color *pColorClearValues, uint32_t colorClearCount, REFRESH_DepthStencilValue *depthStencilClearValue ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->BeginRenderPass( device->driverData, renderPass, framebuffer, renderArea, pColorClearValues, colorClearCount, depthStencilClearValue ); } void REFRESH_EndRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->EndRenderPass(device->driverData); } void REFRESH_BindGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->BindGraphicsPipeline( device->driverData, graphicsPipeline ); } void REFRESH_BindVertexBuffers( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t firstBinding, uint32_t bindingCount, REFRESH_Buffer **pBuffers, uint64_t *pOffsets ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->BindVertexBuffers( device->driverData, firstBinding, bindingCount, pBuffers, pOffsets ); } void REFRESH_BindIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint64_t offset, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->BindIndexBuffer( device->driverData, buffer, offset, indexElementSize ); } void REFRESH_Present( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Rect *sourceRectangle, REFRESH_Rect *destinationRectangle ) { NULL_RETURN(device); device->Present( device->driverData, sourceRectangle, destinationRectangle ); } /* vim: set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8: */