/* Refresh - XNA-inspired 3D Graphics Library with modern capabilities * * Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Hemsley * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * * Evan "cosmonaut" Hemsley <evan@moonside.games> * */ #include <stddef.h> #ifndef REFRESH_H #define REFRESH_H #ifdef _WIN32 #define REFRESHAPI __declspec(dllexport) #define REFRESHCALL __cdecl #else #define REFRESHAPI #define REFRESHCALL #endif /* -Wpedantic nameless union/struct silencing */ #ifndef REFRESHNAMELESS #ifdef __GNUC__ #define REFRESHNAMELESS __extension__ #else #define REFRESHNAMELESS #endif /* __GNUC__ */ #endif /* REFRESHNAMELESS */ #include <stdint.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Type Declarations */ typedef struct REFRESH_Device REFRESH_Device; typedef struct REFRESH_Buffer REFRESH_Buffer; typedef struct REFRESH_Texture REFRESH_Texture; typedef struct REFRESH_DepthStencilTexture REFRESH_DepthStencilTexture; typedef struct REFRESH_Sampler REFRESH_Sampler; typedef struct REFRESH_ColorTarget REFRESH_ColorTarget; typedef struct REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget; typedef struct REFRESH_Framebuffer REFRESH_Framebuffer; typedef struct REFRESH_ShaderModule REFRESH_ShaderModule; typedef struct REFRESH_RenderPass REFRESH_RenderPass; typedef struct REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline; typedef enum REFRESH_PresentMode { REFRESH_PRESENTMODE_IMMEDIATE, REFRESH_PRESENTMODE_MAILBOX, REFRESH_PRESENTMODE_FIFO, REFRESH_PRESENTMODE_FIFO_RELAXED } REFRESH_PresentMode; typedef enum REFRESH_PrimitiveType { REFRESH_PRIMITIVETYPE_POINTLIST, REFRESH_PRIMITIVETYPE_LINELIST, REFRESH_PRIMITIVETYPE_LINESTRIP, REFRESH_PRIMITIVETYPE_TRIANGLELIST, REFRESH_PRIMITIVETYPE_TRIANGLESTRIP } REFRESH_PrimitiveType; typedef enum REFRESH_LoadOp { REFRESH_LOADOP_LOAD, REFRESH_LOADOP_CLEAR, REFRESH_LOADOP_DONT_CARE } REFRESH_LoadOp; typedef enum REFRESH_StoreOp { REFRESH_STOREOP_STORE, REFRESH_STOREOP_DONT_CARE } REFRESH_StoreOp; typedef enum REFRESH_ClearOptions { REFRESH_CLEAROPTIONS_TARGET = 1, REFRESH_CLEAROPTIONS_DEPTH = 2, REFRESH_CLEAROPTIONS_STENCIL = 4, } REFRESH_ClearOptions; typedef enum REFRESH_IndexElementSize { REFRESH_INDEXELEMENTSIZE_16BIT, REFRESH_INDEXELEMENTSIZE_32BIT } REFRESH_IndexElementSize; typedef enum REFRESH_SurfaceFormat { REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R8G8B8A8, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R5G6B5, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_A1R5G5B5, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_B4G4R4A4, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_BC1, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_BC2, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_BC3, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R8G8_SNORM, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_A2R10G10B10, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R16G16, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R16G16B16A16, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R8, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R32_SFLOAT, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R16_SFLOAT, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT, REFRESH_SURFACEFORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT } REFRESH_SurfaceFormat; typedef enum REFRESH_DepthFormat { REFRESH_DEPTHFORMAT_D16_UNORM, REFRESH_DEPTHFORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, REFRESH_DEPTHFORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT, REFRESH_DEPTHFORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT, REFRESH_DEPTHFORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT } REFRESH_DepthFormat; typedef enum REFRESH_TextureUsageFlagBits { REFRESH_TEXTUREUSAGE_VERTEX_SAMPLER_BIT = 0x00000001, REFRESH_TEXTUREUSAGE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLER_BIT = 0x00000002, REFRESH_TEXTUREUSAGE_COLOR_TARGET_BIT = 0x00000004 } REFRESH_TextureUsageFlagBits; typedef uint32_t REFRESH_TextureUsageFlags; typedef enum REFRESH_SampleCount { REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_1, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_2, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_4, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_8, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_16, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_32, REFRESH_SAMPLECOUNT_64 } REFRESH_SampleCount; typedef enum REFRESH_CubeMapFace { REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVEX, REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVEX, REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVEY, REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVEY, REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVEZ, REFRESH_CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVEZ } REFRESH_CubeMapFace; typedef enum REFRESH_VertexElementFormat { REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_SINGLE, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_VECTOR2, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_VECTOR3, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_VECTOR4, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_COLOR, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_BYTE4, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_SHORT2, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_SHORT4, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_NORMALIZEDSHORT2, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_NORMALIZEDSHORT4, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_HALFVECTOR2, REFRESH_VERTEXELEMENTFORMAT_HALFVECTOR4 } REFRESH_VertexElementFormat; typedef enum REFRESH_VertexInputRate { REFRESH_VERTEXINPUTRATE_VERTEX = 0, REFRESH_VERTEXINPUTRATE_INSTANCE = 1 } REFRESH_VertexInputRate; typedef enum REFRESH_FillMode { REFRESH_FILLMODE_FILL, REFRESH_FILLMODE_LINE, REFRESH_FILLMODE_POINT } REFRESH_FillMode; typedef enum REFRESH_CullMode { REFRESH_CULLMODE_NONE, REFRESH_CULLMODE_FRONT, REFRESH_CULLMODE_BACK, REFRESH_CULLMODE_FRONT_AND_BACK } REFRESH_CullMode; typedef enum REFRESH_FrontFace { REFRESH_FRONTFACE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, REFRESH_FRONTFACE_CLOCKWISE } REFRESH_FrontFace; typedef enum REFRESH_CompareOp { REFRESH_COMPAREOP_NEVER, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_LESS, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_EQUAL, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_LESS_OR_EQUAL, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_GREATER, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_NOT_EQUAL, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, REFRESH_COMPAREOP_ALWAYS } REFRESH_CompareOp; typedef enum REFRESH_StencilOp { REFRESH_STENCILOP_KEEP, REFRESH_STENCILOP_ZERO, REFRESH_STENCILOP_REPLACE, REFRESH_STENCILOP_INCREMENT_AND_CLAMP, REFRESH_STENCILOP_DECREMENT_AND_CLAMP, REFRESH_STENCILOP_INVERT, REFRESH_STENCILOP_INCREMENT_AND_WRAP, REFRESH_STENCILOP_DECREMENT_AND_WRAP } REFRESH_StencilOp; typedef enum REFRESH_BlendOp { REFRESH_BLENDOP_ADD, REFRESH_BLENDOP_SUBTRACT, REFRESH_BLENDOP_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, REFRESH_BLENDOP_MIN, REFRESH_BLENDOP_MAX } REFRESH_BlendOp; typedef enum REFRESH_LogicOp { REFRESH_LOGICOP_CLEAR = 0, REFRESH_LOGICOP_AND = 1, REFRESH_LOGICOP_AND_REVERSE = 2, REFRESH_LOGICOP_COPY = 3, REFRESH_LOGICOP_AND_INVERTED = 4, REFRESH_LOGICOP_NO_OP = 5, REFRESH_LOGICOP_XOR = 6, REFRESH_LOGICOP_OR = 7, REFRESH_LOGICOP_NOR = 8, REFRESH_LOGICOP_EQUIVALENT = 9, REFRESH_LOGICOP_INVERT = 10, REFRESH_LOGICOP_OR_REVERSE = 11, REFRESH_LOGICOP_COPY_INVERTED = 12, REFRESH_LOGICOP_OR_INVERTED = 13, REFRESH_LOGICOP_NAND = 14, REFRESH_LOGICOP_SET = 15 } REFRESH_LogicOp; typedef enum REFRESH_BlendFactor { REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO = 0, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE = 1, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_COLOR = 2, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 3, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_DST_COLOR = 4, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 5, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA = 6, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 7, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_DST_ALPHA = 8, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 9, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_CONSTANT_COLOR = 10, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR = 11, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_CONSTANT_ALPHA = 12, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA = 13, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 14, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_SRC1_COLOR = 15, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR = 16, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_SRC1_ALPHA = 17, REFRESH_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA = 18 } REFRESH_BlendFactor; typedef enum REFRESH_ColorComponentFlagBits { REFRESH_COLORCOMPONENT_R_BIT = 0x00000001, REFRESH_COLORCOMPONENT_G_BIT = 0x00000002, REFRESH_COLORCOMPONENT_B_BIT = 0x00000004, REFRESH_COLORCOMPONENT_A_BIT = 0x00000008 } REFRESH_ColorComponentFlagBits; typedef uint32_t REFRESH_ColorComponentFlags; typedef enum REFRESH_ShaderStageType { REFRESH_SHADERSTAGE_VERTEX, REFRESH_SHADERSTAGE_FRAGMENT } REFRESH_ShaderStageType; typedef enum REFRESH_SamplerFilter { REFRESH_SAMPLERFILTER_NEAREST, REFRESH_SAMPLERFILTER_LINEAR } REFRESH_SamplerFilter; typedef enum REFRESH_SamplerMipmapMode { REFRESH_SAMPLERMIPMAPMODE_NEAREST, REFRESH_SAMPLERMIPMAPMODE_LINEAR } REFRESH_SamplerMipmapMode; typedef enum REFRESH_SamplerAddressMode { REFRESH_SAMPLERADDRESSMODE_REPEAT, REFRESH_SAMPLERADDRESSMODE_MIRRORED_REPEAT, REFRESH_SAMPLERADDRESSMODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, REFRESH_SAMPLERADDRESSMODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER } REFRESH_SamplerAddressMode; typedef enum REFRESH_BorderColor { REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_FLOAT_TRANSPARENT_BLACK = 0, REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_INT_TRANSPARENT_BLACK = 1, REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_FLOAT_OPAQUE_BLACK = 2, REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_INT_OPAQUE_BLACK = 3, REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_FLOAT_OPAQUE_WHITE = 4, REFRESH_BORDERCOLOR_INT_OPAQUE_WHITE = 5 } REFRESH_BorderColor; /* Structures */ typedef struct REFRESH_Color { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } REFRESH_Color; typedef struct REFRESH_DepthStencilValue { float depth; uint32_t stencil; } REFRESH_DepthStencilValue; typedef struct REFRESH_Rect { int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t w; int32_t h; } REFRESH_Rect; typedef struct REFRESH_Vec4 { float x; float y; float z; float w; } REFRESH_Vec4; typedef struct REFRESH_Viewport { float x; float y; float w; float h; float minDepth; float maxDepth; } REFRESH_Viewport; typedef struct REFRESH_TextureSlice { REFRESH_Texture *texture; uint32_t layer; /* 0-5 for cube, or z-slice for 3D */ } REFRESH_TextureSlice; typedef struct REFRESH_PresentationParameters { void* deviceWindowHandle; REFRESH_PresentMode presentMode; } REFRESH_PresentationParameters; /* State structures */ typedef struct REFRESH_SamplerStateCreateInfo { REFRESH_SamplerFilter minFilter; REFRESH_SamplerFilter magFilter; REFRESH_SamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode; REFRESH_SamplerAddressMode addressModeU; REFRESH_SamplerAddressMode addressModeV; REFRESH_SamplerAddressMode addressModeW; float mipLodBias; uint8_t anisotropyEnable; float maxAnisotropy; uint8_t compareEnable; REFRESH_CompareOp compareOp; float minLod; float maxLod; REFRESH_BorderColor borderColor; } REFRESH_SamplerStateCreateInfo; typedef struct REFRESH_VertexBinding { uint32_t binding; uint32_t stride; REFRESH_VertexInputRate inputRate; } REFRESH_VertexBinding; typedef struct REFRESH_VertexAttribute { uint32_t location; uint32_t binding; REFRESH_VertexElementFormat format; uint32_t offset; } REFRESH_VertexAttribute; typedef struct REFRESH_VertexInputState { const REFRESH_VertexBinding *vertexBindings; uint32_t vertexBindingCount; const REFRESH_VertexAttribute *vertexAttributes; uint32_t vertexAttributeCount; } REFRESH_VertexInputState; typedef struct REFRESH_StencilOpState { REFRESH_StencilOp failOp; REFRESH_StencilOp passOp; REFRESH_StencilOp depthFailOp; REFRESH_CompareOp compareOp; uint32_t compareMask; uint32_t writeMask; uint32_t reference; } REFRESH_StencilOpState; typedef struct REFRESH_ColorTargetBlendState { uint8_t blendEnable; REFRESH_BlendFactor srcColorBlendFactor; REFRESH_BlendFactor dstColorBlendFactor; REFRESH_BlendOp colorBlendOp; REFRESH_BlendFactor srcAlphaBlendFactor; REFRESH_BlendFactor dstAlphaBlendFactor; REFRESH_BlendOp alphaBlendOp; REFRESH_ColorComponentFlags colorWriteMask; } REFRESH_ColorTargetBlendState; typedef struct REFRESH_PipelineLayoutCreateInfo { uint32_t vertexSamplerBindingCount; uint32_t fragmentSamplerBindingCount; } REFRESH_PipelineLayoutCreateInfo; typedef struct REFRESH_ColorTargetDescription { REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format; REFRESH_SampleCount multisampleCount; REFRESH_LoadOp loadOp; REFRESH_StoreOp storeOp; } REFRESH_ColorTargetDescription; typedef struct REFRESH_DepthTargetDescription { REFRESH_DepthFormat depthFormat; REFRESH_LoadOp loadOp; REFRESH_StoreOp storeOp; REFRESH_LoadOp stencilLoadOp; REFRESH_StoreOp stencilStoreOp; } REFRESH_DepthTargetDescription; typedef struct REFRESH_RenderPassCreateInfo { const REFRESH_ColorTargetDescription *colorTargetDescriptions; uint32_t colorTargetCount; const REFRESH_DepthTargetDescription *depthTargetDescription; /* can be NULL */ } REFRESH_RenderPassCreateInfo; typedef struct REFRESH_ShaderModuleCreateInfo { size_t codeSize; const uint32_t *byteCode; } REFRESH_ShaderModuleCreateInfo; /* Pipeline state structures */ typedef struct REFRESH_ShaderStageState { REFRESH_ShaderModule *shaderModule; const char* entryPointName; uint64_t uniformBufferSize; } REFRESH_ShaderStageState; typedef struct REFRESH_TopologyState { REFRESH_PrimitiveType topology; } REFRESH_TopologyState; typedef struct REFRESH_ViewportState { const REFRESH_Viewport *viewports; uint32_t viewportCount; const REFRESH_Rect *scissors; uint32_t scissorCount; } REFRESH_ViewportState; typedef struct REFRESH_RasterizerState { uint8_t depthClampEnable; REFRESH_FillMode fillMode; REFRESH_CullMode cullMode; REFRESH_FrontFace frontFace; uint8_t depthBiasEnable; float depthBiasConstantFactor; float depthBiasClamp; float depthBiasSlopeFactor; float lineWidth; } REFRESH_RasterizerState; typedef struct REFRESH_MultisampleState { REFRESH_SampleCount multisampleCount; const uint32_t *sampleMask; } REFRESH_MultisampleState; typedef struct REFRESH_DepthStencilState { uint8_t depthTestEnable; uint8_t depthWriteEnable; REFRESH_CompareOp compareOp; uint8_t depthBoundsTestEnable; uint8_t stencilTestEnable; REFRESH_StencilOpState frontStencilState; REFRESH_StencilOpState backStencilState; float minDepthBounds; float maxDepthBounds; } REFRESH_DepthStencilState; typedef struct REFRESH_ColorBlendState { uint8_t blendOpEnable; REFRESH_LogicOp logicOp; const REFRESH_ColorTargetBlendState *blendStates; uint32_t blendStateCount; float blendConstants[4]; } REFRESH_ColorBlendState; typedef struct REFRESH_GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo { REFRESH_ShaderStageState vertexShaderState; REFRESH_ShaderStageState fragmentShaderState; REFRESH_VertexInputState vertexInputState; REFRESH_TopologyState topologyState; REFRESH_ViewportState viewportState; REFRESH_RasterizerState rasterizerState; REFRESH_MultisampleState multisampleState; REFRESH_DepthStencilState depthStencilState; REFRESH_ColorBlendState colorBlendState; REFRESH_PipelineLayoutCreateInfo pipelineLayoutCreateInfo; REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass; } REFRESH_GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo; typedef struct REFRESH_FramebufferCreateInfo { REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass; REFRESH_ColorTarget **pColorTargets; uint32_t colorTargetCount; REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget *pDepthStencilTarget; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; } REFRESH_FramebufferCreateInfo; /* Version API */ #define REFRESH_ABI_VERSION 0 #define REFRESH_MAJOR_VERSION 0 #define REFRESH_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define REFRESH_PATCH_VERSION 0 #define REFRESH_COMPILED_VERSION ( \ (REFRESH_ABI_VERSION * 100 * 100 * 100) + \ (REFRESH_MAJOR_VERSION * 100 * 100) + \ (REFRESH_MINOR_VERSION * 100) + \ (REFRESH_PATCH_VERSION) \ ) REFRESHAPI uint32_t REFRESH_LinkedVersion(void); /* Functions */ /* Logging */ typedef void (REFRESHCALL * REFRESH_LogFunc)(const char *msg); /* Device */ /* Create a rendering context for use on the calling thread. * * presentationParameters: * If the windowHandle is NULL, Refresh will run in headless mode. * debugMode: Enable debug mode properties. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Device* REFRESH_CreateDevice( REFRESH_PresentationParameters *presentationParameters, uint8_t debugMode ); /* Destroys a rendering context previously returned by REFRESH_CreateDevice. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_DestroyDevice(REFRESH_Device *device); /* Drawing */ /* Clears the targets of the currently bound framebuffer. * NOTE: * It is generally recommended to clear in BeginRenderPass * rather than by calling this function. * * options: Bitflags to specify color/depth/stencil buffers for clearing. * colors: The new values of the cleared color buffers. * colorCount: The amount of cleared color buffers. * depth: The new value of the cleared depth buffer. * stencil: The new value of the cleared stencil buffer. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_Clear( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ClearOptions options, REFRESH_Vec4 **colors, uint32_t colorCount, float depth, int32_t stencil ); /* Draws data from vertex/index buffers with instancing enabled. * * baseVertex: The starting offset to read from the vertex buffer. * minVertexIndex: The lowest index value expected from the index buffer. * numVertices: The highest offset expected from the index buffer. * startIndex: The starting offset to read from the index buffer. * primitiveCount: The number of primitives to draw. * instanceCount: The number of instances that will be drawn. * indices: The index buffer to bind for this draw call. * indexElementSize: The size of the index type for this index buffer. * vertexParamOffset: The offset of the vertex shader param data. * fragmentParamOffset: The offset of the fragment shader param data. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_DrawInstancedPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t minVertexIndex, uint32_t numVertices, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t primitiveCount, uint32_t instanceCount, REFRESH_Buffer *indices, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize, uint32_t vertexParamOffset, uint32_t fragmentParamOffset ); /* Draws data from vertex/index buffers. * * baseVertex: The starting offset to read from the vertex buffer. * minVertexIndex: The lowest index value expected from the index buffer. * numVertices: The highest offset expected from the index buffer. * startIndex: The starting offset to read from the index buffer. * primitiveCount: The number of primitives to draw. * indices: The index buffer to bind for this draw call. * indexElementSize: The size of the index type for this index buffer. * vertexParamOffset: The offset of the vertex shader param data. * fragmentParamOffset: The offset of the fragment shader param data. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_DrawIndexedPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t baseVertex, uint32_t minVertexIndex, uint32_t numVertices, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t primitiveCount, REFRESH_Buffer *indices, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize, uint32_t vertexParamOffset, uint32_t fragmentParamOffset ); /* Draws data from vertex buffers. * * vertexStart: The starting offset to read from the vertex buffer. * primitiveCount: The number of primitives to draw. * vertexParamOffset: The offset of the vertex shader param data. * fragmentParamOffset: The offset of the fragment shader param data. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_DrawPrimitives( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t vertexStart, uint32_t primitiveCount, uint32_t vertexParamOffset, uint32_t fragmentParamOffset ); /* State Creation */ /* Returns an allocated RenderPass* object. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_RenderPass* REFRESH_CreateRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPassCreateInfo *renderPassCreateInfo ); /* Returns an allocated Pipeline* object. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline* REFRESH_CreateGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo *pipelineCreateInfo ); /* Returns an allocated Sampler* object. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Sampler* REFRESH_CreateSampler( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SamplerStateCreateInfo *samplerStateCreateInfo ); /* Returns an allocated Framebuffer* object. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Framebuffer* REFRESH_CreateFramebuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_FramebufferCreateInfo *framebufferCreateInfo ); /* Returns an allocated ShaderModule* object. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_ShaderModule* REFRESH_CreateShaderModule( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ShaderModuleCreateInfo *shaderModuleCreateInfo ); /* Creates a 2D texture. * * format: The pixel format of the texture data. * width: The width of the texture image. * height: The height of the texture image. * levelCount: The number of mipmap levels to allocate. * usageFlags: Specifies how the texture will be used. * * Returns an allocated REFRESH_Texture* object. Note that the contents of * the texture are undefined until SetData is called. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTexture2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t levelCount, REFRESH_TextureUsageFlags usageFlags ); /* Creates a 3D texture. * * format: The pixel format of the texture data. * width: The width of the texture image. * height: The height of the texture image. * depth: The depth of the texture image. * levelCount: The number of mipmap levels to allocate. * usageFlags: Specifies how the texture will be used. * * Returns an allocated REFRESH_Texture* object. Note that the contents of * the texture are undefined until SetData is called. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTexture3D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t levelCount, REFRESH_TextureUsageFlags usageFlags ); /* Creates a texture cube. * * format: The pixel format of the texture data. * size: The length of the cube side. * levelCount: The number of mipmap levels to allocate. * usageFlags: Specifies how the texture will be used. * * Returns an allocated REFRESH_Texture* object. Note that the contents of * the texture are undefined until SetData is called. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Texture* REFRESH_CreateTextureCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SurfaceFormat format, uint32_t size, uint32_t levelCount, REFRESH_TextureUsageFlags usageFlags ); /* Creates a color target. * * multisampleCount: The MSAA value for the color target. * textureSlice: The texture slice that the color target will resolve to. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_ColorTarget* REFRESH_CreateColorTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_SampleCount multisampleCount, REFRESH_TextureSlice *textureSlice ); /* Creates a depth/stencil target. * * width: The width of the depth/stencil target. * height: The height of the depth/stencil target. * format: The storage format of the depth/stencil target. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget* REFRESH_CreateDepthStencilTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, REFRESH_DepthFormat format ); /* Creates a vertex buffer to be used by Draw commands. * * sizeInBytes: The length of the vertex buffer. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Buffer* REFRESH_CreateVertexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t sizeInBytes ); /* Creates an index buffer to be used by Draw commands. * * sizeInBytes: The length of the index buffer. */ REFRESHAPI REFRESH_Buffer* REFRESH_CreateIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t sizeInBytes ); /* Setters */ /* Uploads image data to a 2D texture object. * * texture: The texture to be updated. * x: The x offset of the subregion being updated. * y: The y offset of the subregion being updated. * w: The width of the subregion being updated. * h: The height of the subregion being updated. * level: The mipmap level being updated. * data: A pointer to the image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetTextureData2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t level, void *data, uint32_t dataLengthInBytes ); /* Uploads image data to a 3D texture object. * * texture: The texture to be updated. * x: The x offset of the subregion being updated. * y: The y offset of the subregion being updated. * z: The z offset of the subregion being updated. * w: The width of the subregion being updated. * h: The height of the subregion being updated. * d: The depth of the subregion being updated. * level: The mipmap level being updated. * data: A pointer to the image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetTextureData3D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Uploads image data to a single face of a texture cube object. * * texture: The texture to be updated. * x: The x offset of the subregion being updated. * y: The y offset of the subregion being updated. * w: The width of the subregion being updated. * h: The height of the subregion being updated. * cubeMapFace: The face of the cube being updated. * level: The mipmap level being updated. * data: A pointer to the image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetTextureDataCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, REFRESH_CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Uploads YUV image data to three R8 texture objects. * * y: The texture storing the Y data. * u: The texture storing the U (Cb) data. * v: The texture storing the V (Cr) data. * yWidth: The width of the Y plane. * yHeight: The height of the Y plane. * uvWidth: The width of the U/V planes. * uvHeight: The height of the U/V planes. * data: A pointer to the raw YUV image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetTextureDataYUV( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *y, REFRESH_Texture *u, REFRESH_Texture *v, uint32_t yWidth, uint32_t yHeight, uint32_t uvWidth, uint32_t uvHeight, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Sets a region of the vertex buffer with client data. * * NOTE: * Calling this function on a buffer after the buffer * has been bound by BindVertexBuffers without calling * Submit first is an error. * * buffer: The vertex buffer to be updated. * offsetInBytes: The starting offset of the buffer to write into. * data: The client data to write into the buffer. * elementCount: The number of elements from the client buffer to write. * vertexStride: The size of each element in the client buffer (including padding). */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetVertexBufferData( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint32_t offsetInBytes, void* data, uint32_t elementCount, uint32_t vertexStride ); /* Sets a region of the index buffer with client data. * * NOTE: * Calling this function on a buffer after the buffer * has been bound by BindIndexBuffer without calling * Submit first is an error. * * buffer: The index buffer to be updated. * offsetInBytes: The starting offset of the buffer to write into. * data: The client data to write into the buffer. * dataLength: The size (in bytes) of the client data. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetIndexBufferData( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint32_t offsetInBytes, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Pushes vertex shader params to the device. * Returns a starting offset value to be used with draw calls. * * NOTE: * A pipeline must be bound. * Will use the block size of the currently bound vertex shader. * * data: The client data to write into the buffer. * paramBlockCount: The number of param-sized blocks from the client buffer to write. */ REFRESHAPI uint32_t REFRESH_PushVertexShaderParams( REFRESH_Device *device, void *data, uint32_t paramBlockCount ); /* Pushes fragment shader params to the device. * Returns a starting offset value to be used with draw calls. * * NOTE: * A pipeline must be bound. * Will use the block size of the currently bound fragment shader. * * data: The client data to write into the buffer. * paramBlockCount: The number of param-sized blocks from the client buffer to write. */ REFRESHAPI uint32_t REFRESH_PushFragmentShaderParams( REFRESH_Device *device, void *data, uint32_t elementCount ); /* Sets textures/samplers for use with the currently bound vertex shader. * * NOTE: * The length of the passed arrays must be equal to the number * of sampler bindings specified by the pipeline. * * textures: A pointer to an array of textures. * samplers: A pointer to an array of samplers. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetVertexSamplers( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture **pTextures, REFRESH_Sampler **pSamplers ); /* Sets textures/samplers for use with the currently bound fragment shader. * * NOTE: * The length of the passed arrays must be equal to the number * of sampler bindings specified by the pipeline. * * textures: A pointer to an array of textures. * samplers: A pointer to an array of samplers. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_SetFragmentSamplers( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture **pTextures, REFRESH_Sampler **pSamplers ); /* Getters */ /* Pulls image data from a 2D texture into client memory. Like any GetData, * this is generally asking for a massive CPU/GPU sync point, don't call this * unless there's absolutely no other way to use the image data! * * texture: The texture object being read. * x: The x offset of the subregion being read. * y: The y offset of the subregion being read. * w: The width of the subregion being read. * h: The height of the subregion being read. * level: The mipmap level being read. * data: The pointer being filled with the image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_GetTextureData2D( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Pulls image data from a single face of a texture cube object into client * memory. Like any GetData, this is generally asking for a massive CPU/GPU sync * point, don't call this unless there's absolutely no other way to use the * image data! * * texture: The texture object being read. * x: The x offset of the subregion being read. * y: The y offset of the subregion being read. * w: The width of the subregion being read. * h: The height of the subregion being read. * cubeMapFace: The face of the cube being read. * level: The mipmap level being read. * data: The pointer being filled with the image data. * dataLength: The size of the image data in bytes. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_GetTextureDataCube( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, REFRESH_CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, uint32_t level, void* data, uint32_t dataLength ); /* Disposal */ /* Sends a texture to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * texture: The REFRESH_Texture to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeTexture( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Texture *texture ); /* Sends a sampler to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * texture: The REFRESH_Sampler to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeSampler( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Sampler *sampler ); /* Sends a vertex buffer to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * buffer: The REFRESH_Buffer to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeVertexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer ); /* Sends an index buffer to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * buffer: The REFRESH_Buffer to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer ); /* Sends a color target to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * colorTarget: The REFRESH_ColorTarget to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeColorTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ColorTarget *colorTarget ); /* Sends a depth/stencil target to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * depthStencilTarget: The REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeDepthStencilTarget( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_DepthStencilTarget *depthStencilTarget ); /* Sends a framebuffer to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * framebuffer: The REFRESH_Framebuffer to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeFramebuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Framebuffer *frameBuffer ); /* Sends a shader module to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * shaderModule: The REFRESH_ShaderModule to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeShaderModule( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_ShaderModule *shaderModule ); /* Sends a render pass to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * renderPass: The REFRESH_RenderPass to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass ); /* Sends a graphics pipeline to be destroyed by the renderer. Note that we call it * "AddDispose" because it may not be immediately destroyed by the renderer if * this is not called from the main thread (for example, if a garbage collector * deletes the resource instead of the programmer). * * graphicsPipeline: The REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline to be destroyed. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_AddDisposeGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline ); /* Graphics State */ /* Begins a render pass. * * renderPass: The renderpass to begin. * framebuffer: The framebuffer to bind for the render pass. * renderArea: * The area affected by the render pass. * All load, store and resolve operations are restricted * to the given rectangle. * clearValues: * A pointer to an array of REFRESH_Color structures * that contains clear values for each color target in the * framebuffer. May be NULL. * clearCount: The amount of color structs in the above array. * depthStencilClearValue: The depth/stencil clear value. May be NULL. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_BeginRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_RenderPass *renderPass, REFRESH_Framebuffer *framebuffer, REFRESH_Rect renderArea, REFRESH_Color *pColorClearValues, uint32_t colorClearCount, REFRESH_DepthStencilValue *depthStencilClearValue ); /* Ends the current render pass. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_EndRenderPass( REFRESH_Device *device ); /* Binds a pipeline to the graphics bind point. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_BindGraphicsPipeline( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_GraphicsPipeline *graphicsPipeline ); /* Binds vertex buffers for use with subsequent draw calls. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_BindVertexBuffers( REFRESH_Device *device, uint32_t firstBinding, uint32_t bindingCount, REFRESH_Buffer **pBuffers, uint64_t *pOffsets ); /* Binds an index buffer for use with subsequent draw calls. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_BindIndexBuffer( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_Buffer *buffer, uint64_t offset, REFRESH_IndexElementSize indexElementSize ); /* Submission/Presentation */ /* Queues an image to be presented to the screen. * The image will be presented upon the next REFRESH_Submit call. * * NOTE: * It is an error to call this function in headless mode. * * textureSlice: The texture slice to present. * sourceRectangle: The region of the image to present (or NULL). * destinationRectangle: The region of the window to update (or NULL). */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_QueuePresent( REFRESH_Device *device, REFRESH_TextureSlice *textureSlice, REFRESH_Rect *sourceRectangle, REFRESH_Rect *destinationRectangle ); /* Submits all of the enqueued commands. */ REFRESHAPI void REFRESH_Submit( REFRESH_Device* device ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* REFRESH_H */ /* vim: set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8: */