using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using MoonWorks; using MoonWorks.Graphics; using MoonWorks.Input; using MoonWorks.Math.Float; namespace MoonWorksGraphicsTests { class CopyTextureExample : Example { private Texture OriginalTexture; private Texture TextureCopy; private Texture TextureSmall; public override unsafe void Init(Window window, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Inputs inputs) { Window = window; GraphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; Window.SetTitle("CopyTexture"); // Create and populate the GPU resources var resourceUploader = new ResourceUploader(GraphicsDevice); OriginalTexture = resourceUploader.CreateTexture2DFromCompressed( TestUtils.GetTexturePath("ravioli.png") ); resourceUploader.Upload(); resourceUploader.Dispose(); // Load the texture bytes so we can compare them. var pixels = ImageUtils.GetPixelDataFromFile( TestUtils.GetTexturePath("ravioli.png"), out var width, out var height, out var byteCount ); CommandBuffer cmdbuf = GraphicsDevice.AcquireCommandBuffer(); var textureCreateInfo = new TextureCreateInfo { Width = OriginalTexture.Width, Height = OriginalTexture.Height, Depth = OriginalTexture.Depth, IsCube = OriginalTexture.IsCube, LayerCount = OriginalTexture.LayerCount, LevelCount = OriginalTexture.LevelCount, SampleCount = OriginalTexture.SampleCount, Format = OriginalTexture.Format, UsageFlags = OriginalTexture.UsageFlags }; // Create a 1:1 copy of the texture TextureCopy = new Texture(GraphicsDevice, textureCreateInfo); // Create a download transfer buffer TransferBuffer compareBuffer = new TransferBuffer( GraphicsDevice, TransferUsage.Texture, TransferBufferMapFlags.Read, byteCount ); var copyPass = cmdbuf.BeginCopyPass(); copyPass.CopyTextureToTexture( OriginalTexture, TextureCopy, false ); cmdbuf.EndCopyPass(copyPass); // Create a half-sized copy of this texture textureCreateInfo.Width /= 2; textureCreateInfo.Height /= 2; textureCreateInfo.UsageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ColorTarget; TextureSmall = new Texture(GraphicsDevice, textureCreateInfo); // Render the half-size copy cmdbuf.Blit(OriginalTexture, TextureSmall, Filter.Linear, false); // Copy the texture to a transfer buffer copyPass = cmdbuf.BeginCopyPass(); copyPass.DownloadFromTexture( TextureCopy, compareBuffer, new BufferImageCopy(0, 0, 0) ); cmdbuf.EndCopyPass(copyPass); var fence = GraphicsDevice.SubmitAndAcquireFence(cmdbuf); GraphicsDevice.WaitForFence(fence); GraphicsDevice.ReleaseFence(fence); // Compare the original bytes to the copied bytes. var copiedBytes = NativeMemory.Alloc(byteCount); var copiedSpan = new System.Span<byte>(copiedBytes, (int) byteCount); compareBuffer.GetData(copiedSpan); var originalSpan = new System.Span<byte>(pixels, (int)byteCount); if (System.MemoryExtensions.SequenceEqual(originalSpan, copiedSpan)) { Logger.LogInfo("SUCCESS! Original texture bytes and the downloaded bytes match!"); } else { Logger.LogError("FAIL! Original texture bytes do not match downloaded bytes!"); } RefreshCS.Refresh.Refresh_Image_Free(pixels); NativeMemory.Free(copiedBytes); } public override void Update(System.TimeSpan delta) { } public override void Draw(double alpha) { CommandBuffer cmdbuf = GraphicsDevice.AcquireCommandBuffer(); Texture swapchainTexture = cmdbuf.AcquireSwapchainTexture(Window); if (swapchainTexture != null) { var clearPass = cmdbuf.BeginRenderPass( new ColorAttachmentInfo(swapchainTexture, false, Color.Black) ); cmdbuf.EndRenderPass(clearPass); cmdbuf.Blit( OriginalTexture, new TextureRegion { TextureSlice = swapchainTexture, Width = swapchainTexture.Width / 2, Height = swapchainTexture.Height / 2, Depth = 1 }, Filter.Nearest, false ); cmdbuf.Blit( TextureCopy, new TextureRegion { TextureSlice = swapchainTexture, X = swapchainTexture.Width / 2, Y = 0, Width = swapchainTexture.Width / 2, Height = swapchainTexture.Height / 2, Depth = 1 }, Filter.Nearest, false ); cmdbuf.Blit( TextureSmall, new TextureRegion { TextureSlice = swapchainTexture, X = swapchainTexture.Width / 4, Y = swapchainTexture.Height / 2, Width = swapchainTexture.Width / 2, Height = swapchainTexture.Height / 2, Depth = 1 }, Filter.Nearest, false ); } GraphicsDevice.Submit(cmdbuf); } public override void Destroy() { OriginalTexture.Dispose(); TextureCopy.Dispose(); TextureSmall.Dispose(); } } }