#region License
/* MoonWorks - Game Development Framework
* Copyright 2022 Evan Hemsley
/* Derived from code by Ethan Lee (Copyright 2009-2021).
* Released under the Microsoft Public License.
* See fna.LICENSE for details.
* Derived from code by the Mono.Xna Team (Copyright 2006).
* Released under the MIT License. See monoxna.LICENSE for details.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MoonWorks.Math.Fixed
/// Represents the right-handed 4x4 fixed point matrix, which can store translation, scale and rotation information.
/// This differs from XNA in one major way: projections are modified to give right handed NDC space.
public struct Matrix4x4 : IEquatable
#region Public Properties
/// The backward vector formed from the third row M31, M32, M33 elements.
public Vector3 Backward
return new Vector3(M31, M32, M33);
M31 = value.X;
M32 = value.Y;
M33 = value.Z;
/// The down vector formed from the second row -M21, -M22, -M23 elements.
public Vector3 Down
return new Vector3(-M21, -M22, -M23);
M21 = -value.X;
M22 = -value.Y;
M23 = -value.Z;
/// The forward vector formed from the third row -M31, -M32, -M33 elements.
public Vector3 Forward
return new Vector3(-M31, -M32, -M33);
M31 = -value.X;
M32 = -value.Y;
M33 = -value.Z;
/// Returns the identity matrix.
public static Matrix4x4 Identity
return identity;
/// The left vector formed from the first row -M11, -M12, -M13 elements.
public Vector3 Left
return new Vector3(-M11, -M12, -M13);
M11 = -value.X;
M12 = -value.Y;
M13 = -value.Z;
/// The right vector formed from the first row M11, M12, M13 elements.
public Vector3 Right
return new Vector3(M11, M12, M13);
M11 = value.X;
M12 = value.Y;
M13 = value.Z;
/// Position stored in this matrix.
public Vector3 Translation
return new Vector3(M41, M42, M43);
M41 = value.X;
M42 = value.Y;
M43 = value.Z;
/// The upper vector formed from the second row M21, M22, M23 elements.
public Vector3 Up
return new Vector3(M21, M22, M23);
M21 = value.X;
M22 = value.Y;
M23 = value.Z;
#region Internal Properties
internal string DebugDisplayString
return string.Concat(
"( ", M11.ToString(), " ",
M12.ToString(), " ",
M13.ToString(), " ",
M14.ToString(), " ) \r\n",
"( ", M21.ToString(), " ",
M22.ToString(), " ",
M23.ToString(), " ",
M24.ToString(), " ) \r\n",
"( ", M31.ToString(), " ",
M32.ToString(), " ",
M33.ToString(), " ",
M34.ToString(), " ) \r\n",
"( ", M41.ToString(), " ",
M42.ToString(), " ",
M43.ToString(), " ",
M44.ToString(), " )"
#region Public Fields
/// A first row and first column value.
public Fix64 M11;
/// A first row and second column value.
public Fix64 M12;
/// A first row and third column value.
public Fix64 M13;
/// A first row and fourth column value.
public Fix64 M14;
/// A second row and first column value.
public Fix64 M21;
/// A second row and second column value.
public Fix64 M22;
/// A second row and third column value.
public Fix64 M23;
/// A second row and fourth column value.
public Fix64 M24;
/// A third row and first column value.
public Fix64 M31;
/// A third row and second column value.
public Fix64 M32;
/// A third row and third column value.
public Fix64 M33;
/// A third row and fourth column value.
public Fix64 M34;
/// A fourth row and first column value.
public Fix64 M41;
/// A fourth row and second column value.
public Fix64 M42;
/// A fourth row and third column value.
public Fix64 M43;
/// A fourth row and fourth column value.
public Fix64 M44;
#region Private Static Variables
private static Matrix4x4 identity = new Matrix4x4(
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
#region Public Constructors
/// Constructs a matrix.
/// A first row and first column value.
/// A first row and second column value.
/// A first row and third column value.
/// A first row and fourth column value.
/// A second row and first column value.
/// A second row and second column value.
/// A second row and third column value.
/// A second row and fourth column value.
/// A third row and first column value.
/// A third row and second column value.
/// A third row and third column value.
/// A third row and fourth column value.
/// A fourth row and first column value.
/// A fourth row and second column value.
/// A fourth row and third column value.
/// A fourth row and fourth column value.
public Matrix4x4(
Fix64 m11, Fix64 m12, Fix64 m13, Fix64 m14,
Fix64 m21, Fix64 m22, Fix64 m23, Fix64 m24,
Fix64 m31, Fix64 m32, Fix64 m33, Fix64 m34,
Fix64 m41, Fix64 m42, Fix64 m43, Fix64 m44
M11 = m11;
M12 = m12;
M13 = m13;
M14 = m14;
M21 = m21;
M22 = m22;
M23 = m23;
M24 = m24;
M31 = m31;
M32 = m32;
M33 = m33;
M34 = m34;
M41 = m41;
M42 = m42;
M43 = m43;
M44 = m44;
/// Constructs a matrix.
/// A first row and first column value.
/// A first row and second column value.
/// A first row and third column value.
/// A first row and fourth column value.
/// A second row and first column value.
/// A second row and second column value.
/// A second row and third column value.
/// A second row and fourth column value.
/// A third row and first column value.
/// A third row and second column value.
/// A third row and third column value.
/// A third row and fourth column value.
/// A fourth row and first column value.
/// A fourth row and second column value.
/// A fourth row and third column value.
/// A fourth row and fourth column value.
public Matrix4x4(
int m11, int m12, int m13, int m14,
int m21, int m22, int m23, int m24,
int m31, int m32, int m33, int m34,
int m41, int m42, int m43, int m44
M11 = new Fix64(m11);
M12 = new Fix64(m12);
M13 = new Fix64(m13);
M14 = new Fix64(m14);
M21 = new Fix64(m21);
M22 = new Fix64(m22);
M23 = new Fix64(m23);
M24 = new Fix64(m24);
M31 = new Fix64(m31);
M32 = new Fix64(m32);
M33 = new Fix64(m33);
M34 = new Fix64(m34);
M41 = new Fix64(m41);
M42 = new Fix64(m42);
M43 = new Fix64(m43);
M44 = new Fix64(m44);
#region Public Methods
/// Returns a determinant of this .
/// Determinant of this
/// See more about determinant here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinant.
public Fix64 Determinant()
Fix64 num18 = (M33 * M44) - (M34 * M43);
Fix64 num17 = (M32 * M44) - (M34 * M42);
Fix64 num16 = (M32 * M43) - (M33 * M42);
Fix64 num15 = (M31 * M44) - (M34 * M41);
Fix64 num14 = (M31 * M43) - (M33 * M41);
Fix64 num13 = (M31 * M42) - (M32 * M41);
return (
(M11 * (((M22 * num18) - (M23 * num17)) + (M24 * num16))) -
(M12 * (((M21 * num18) - (M23 * num15)) + (M24 * num14)))
) + (M13 * (((M21 * num17) - (M22 * num15)) + (M24 * num13)))
) - (M14 * (((M21 * num16) - (M22 * num14)) + (M23 * num13)))
/// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified without any tolerance.
/// The to compare.
/// true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.
public bool Equals(Matrix4x4 other)
return (M11 == other.M11 &&
M12 == other.M12 &&
M13 == other.M13 &&
M14 == other.M14 &&
M21 == other.M21 &&
M22 == other.M22 &&
M23 == other.M23 &&
M24 == other.M24 &&
M31 == other.M31 &&
M32 == other.M32 &&
M33 == other.M33 &&
M34 == other.M34 &&
M41 == other.M41 &&
M42 == other.M42 &&
M43 == other.M43 &&
M44 == other.M44);
/// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified without any tolerance.
/// The to compare.
/// true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return (obj is Matrix4x4) && Equals((Matrix4x4) obj);
/// Gets the hash code of this .
/// Hash code of this .
public override int GetHashCode()
return (
M11.GetHashCode() + M12.GetHashCode() + M13.GetHashCode() + M14.GetHashCode() +
M21.GetHashCode() + M22.GetHashCode() + M23.GetHashCode() + M24.GetHashCode() +
M31.GetHashCode() + M32.GetHashCode() + M33.GetHashCode() + M34.GetHashCode() +
M41.GetHashCode() + M42.GetHashCode() + M43.GetHashCode() + M44.GetHashCode()
/// Returns a representation of this in the format:
/// {M11:[] M12:[] M13:[] M14:[]}
/// {M21:[] M12:[] M13:[] M14:[]}
/// {M31:[] M32:[] M33:[] M34:[]}
/// {M41:[] M42:[] M43:[] M44:[]}
/// A representation of this .
public override string ToString()
return (
"{M11:" + M11.ToString() +
" M12:" + M12.ToString() +
" M13:" + M13.ToString() +
" M14:" + M14.ToString() +
"} {M21:" + M21.ToString() +
" M22:" + M22.ToString() +
" M23:" + M23.ToString() +
" M24:" + M24.ToString() +
"} {M31:" + M31.ToString() +
" M32:" + M32.ToString() +
" M33:" + M33.ToString() +
" M34:" + M34.ToString() +
"} {M41:" + M41.ToString() +
" M42:" + M42.ToString() +
" M43:" + M43.ToString() +
" M44:" + M44.ToString() + "}"
#region Public Static Methods
/// Creates a new which contains sum of two matrixes.
/// The first matrix to add.
/// The second matrix to add.
/// The result of the matrix addition.
public static Matrix4x4 Add(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
matrix1.M11 += matrix2.M11;
matrix1.M12 += matrix2.M12;
matrix1.M13 += matrix2.M13;
matrix1.M14 += matrix2.M14;
matrix1.M21 += matrix2.M21;
matrix1.M22 += matrix2.M22;
matrix1.M23 += matrix2.M23;
matrix1.M24 += matrix2.M24;
matrix1.M31 += matrix2.M31;
matrix1.M32 += matrix2.M32;
matrix1.M33 += matrix2.M33;
matrix1.M34 += matrix2.M34;
matrix1.M41 += matrix2.M41;
matrix1.M42 += matrix2.M42;
matrix1.M43 += matrix2.M43;
matrix1.M44 += matrix2.M44;
return matrix1;
/// Creates a new which contains sum of two matrixes.
/// The first matrix to add.
/// The second matrix to add.
/// The result of the matrix addition as an output parameter.
public static void Add(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, ref Matrix4x4 matrix2, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = matrix1.M11 + matrix2.M11;
result.M12 = matrix1.M12 + matrix2.M12;
result.M13 = matrix1.M13 + matrix2.M13;
result.M14 = matrix1.M14 + matrix2.M14;
result.M21 = matrix1.M21 + matrix2.M21;
result.M22 = matrix1.M22 + matrix2.M22;
result.M23 = matrix1.M23 + matrix2.M23;
result.M24 = matrix1.M24 + matrix2.M24;
result.M31 = matrix1.M31 + matrix2.M31;
result.M32 = matrix1.M32 + matrix2.M32;
result.M33 = matrix1.M33 + matrix2.M33;
result.M34 = matrix1.M34 + matrix2.M34;
result.M41 = matrix1.M41 + matrix2.M41;
result.M42 = matrix1.M42 + matrix2.M42;
result.M43 = matrix1.M43 + matrix2.M43;
result.M44 = matrix1.M44 + matrix2.M44;
/// Creates a new which contains the rotation moment around specified axis.
/// The axis of rotation.
/// The angle of rotation in radians.
/// The rotation .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, Fix64 angle)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateFromAxisAngle(ref axis, angle, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new which contains the rotation moment around specified axis.
/// The axis of rotation.
/// The angle of rotation in radians.
/// The rotation as an output parameter.
public static void CreateFromAxisAngle(
ref Vector3 axis,
Fix64 angle,
out Matrix4x4 result
Fix64 x = axis.X;
Fix64 y = axis.Y;
Fix64 z = axis.Z;
Fix64 num2 = Fix64.Sin(angle);
Fix64 num = Fix64.Cos(angle);
Fix64 num11 = x * x;
Fix64 num10 = y * y;
Fix64 num9 = z * z;
Fix64 num8 = x * y;
Fix64 num7 = x * z;
Fix64 num6 = y * z;
result.M11 = num11 + (num * (Fix64.One - num11));
result.M12 = (num8 - (num * num8)) + (num2 * z);
result.M13 = (num7 - (num * num7)) - (num2 * y);
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = (num8 - (num * num8)) - (num2 * z);
result.M22 = num10 + (num * (Fix64.One - num10));
result.M23 = (num6 - (num * num6)) + (num2 * x);
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = (num7 - (num * num7)) + (num2 * y);
result.M32 = (num6 - (num * num6)) - (num2 * x);
result.M33 = num9 + (num * (Fix64.One - num9));
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M42 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M43 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new rotation from a .
/// of rotation moment.
/// The rotation .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateFromQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateFromQuaternion(ref quaternion, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new rotation from a .
/// of rotation moment.
/// The rotation as an output parameter.
public static void CreateFromQuaternion(ref Quaternion quaternion, out Matrix4x4 result)
Fix64 two = new Fix64(2);
Fix64 num9 = quaternion.X * quaternion.X;
Fix64 num8 = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Y;
Fix64 num7 = quaternion.Z * quaternion.Z;
Fix64 num6 = quaternion.X * quaternion.Y;
Fix64 num5 = quaternion.Z * quaternion.W;
Fix64 num4 = quaternion.Z * quaternion.X;
Fix64 num3 = quaternion.Y * quaternion.W;
Fix64 num2 = quaternion.Y * quaternion.Z;
Fix64 num = quaternion.X * quaternion.W;
result.M11 = Fix64.One - (two * (num8 + num7));
result.M12 = two * (num6 + num5);
result.M13 = two * (num4 - num3);
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = two * (num6 - num5);
result.M22 = Fix64.One - (two * (num7 + num9));
result.M23 = two * (num2 + num);
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = two * (num4 + num3);
result.M32 = two * (num2 - num);
result.M33 = Fix64.One - (two * (num8 + num9));
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M42 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M43 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new rotation from the specified yaw, pitch and roll values.
/// The yaw rotation value in radians.
/// The pitch rotation value in radians.
/// The roll rotation value in radians.
/// The rotation .
/// For more information about yaw, pitch and roll visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles.
public static Matrix4x4 CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Fix64 yaw, Fix64 pitch, Fix64 roll)
Matrix4x4 matrix;
CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll, out matrix);
return matrix;
/// Creates a new rotation from the specified yaw, pitch and roll values.
/// The yaw rotation value in radians.
/// The pitch rotation value in radians.
/// The roll rotation value in radians.
/// The rotation as an output parameter.
/// For more information about yaw, pitch and roll visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles.
public static void CreateFromYawPitchRoll(
Fix64 yaw,
Fix64 pitch,
Fix64 roll,
out Matrix4x4 result
Quaternion quaternion;
Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll, out quaternion);
CreateFromQuaternion(ref quaternion, out result);
/// Creates a new rotation around X axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around X axis.
public static Matrix4x4 CreateRotationX(Fix64 radians)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateRotationX(radians, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new rotation around X axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around X axis as an output parameter.
public static void CreateRotationX(Fix64 radians, out Matrix4x4 result)
result = Matrix4x4.Identity;
Fix64 val1 = Fix64.Cos(radians);
Fix64 val2 = Fix64.Sin(radians);
result.M22 = val1;
result.M23 = val2;
result.M32 = -val2;
result.M33 = val1;
/// Creates a new rotation around Y axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around Y axis.
public static Matrix4x4 CreateRotationY(Fix64 radians)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateRotationY(radians, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new rotation around Y axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around Y axis as an output parameter.
public static void CreateRotationY(Fix64 radians, out Matrix4x4 result)
result = Matrix4x4.Identity;
Fix64 val1 = Fix64.Cos(radians);
Fix64 val2 = Fix64.Sin(radians);
result.M11 = val1;
result.M13 = -val2;
result.M31 = val2;
result.M33 = val1;
/// Creates a new rotation around Z axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around Z axis.
public static Matrix4x4 CreateRotationZ(Fix64 radians)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateRotationZ(radians, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new rotation around Z axis.
/// Angle in radians.
/// The rotation around Z axis as an output parameter.
public static void CreateRotationZ(Fix64 radians, out Matrix4x4 result)
result = Matrix4x4.Identity;
Fix64 val1 = Fix64.Cos(radians);
Fix64 val2 = Fix64.Sin(radians);
result.M11 = val1;
result.M12 = val2;
result.M21 = -val2;
result.M22 = val1;
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// Scale value for all three axises.
/// The scaling .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateScale(Fix64 scale)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateScale(scale, scale, scale, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// Scale value for all three axises.
/// The scaling as an output parameter.
public static void CreateScale(Fix64 scale, out Matrix4x4 result)
CreateScale(scale, scale, scale, out result);
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// Scale value for X axis.
/// Scale value for Y axis.
/// Scale value for Z axis.
/// The scaling .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateScale(Fix64 xScale, Fix64 yScale, Fix64 zScale)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateScale(xScale, yScale, zScale, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// Scale value for X axis.
/// Scale value for Y axis.
/// Scale value for Z axis.
/// The scaling as an output parameter.
public static void CreateScale(
Fix64 xScale,
Fix64 yScale,
Fix64 zScale,
out Matrix4x4 result
result.M11 = xScale;
result.M12 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M13 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M22 = yScale;
result.M23 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M32 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M33 = zScale;
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M42 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M43 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// representing x,y and z scale values.
/// The scaling .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateScale(Vector3 scales)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateScale(ref scales, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new scaling .
/// representing x,y and z scale values.
/// The scaling as an output parameter.
public static void CreateScale(ref Vector3 scales, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = scales.X;
result.M12 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M13 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M22 = scales.Y;
result.M23 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M32 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M33 = scales.Z;
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M42 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M43 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new translation .
/// X coordinate of translation.
/// Y coordinate of translation.
/// Z coordinate of translation.
/// The translation .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateTranslation(
Fix64 xPosition,
Fix64 yPosition,
Fix64 zPosition
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateTranslation(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new translation .
/// X,Y and Z coordinates of translation.
/// The translation as an output parameter.
public static void CreateTranslation(ref Vector3 position, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = Fix64.One;
result.M12 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M13 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M22 = Fix64.One;
result.M23 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M32 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M33 = Fix64.One;
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = position.X;
result.M42 = position.Y;
result.M43 = position.Z;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new translation .
/// X,Y and Z coordinates of translation.
/// The translation .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateTranslation(Vector3 position)
Matrix4x4 result;
CreateTranslation(ref position, out result);
return result;
/// Creates a new translation .
/// X coordinate of translation.
/// Y coordinate of translation.
/// Z coordinate of translation.
/// The translation as an output parameter.
public static void CreateTranslation(
Fix64 xPosition,
Fix64 yPosition,
Fix64 zPosition,
out Matrix4x4 result
result.M11 = Fix64.One;
result.M12 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M13 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M14 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M21 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M22 = Fix64.One;
result.M23 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M24 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M31 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M32 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M33 = Fix64.One;
result.M34 = Fix64.Zero;
result.M41 = xPosition;
result.M42 = yPosition;
result.M43 = zPosition;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Creates a new world .
/// The position vector.
/// The forward direction vector.
/// The upward direction vector. Usually .
/// The world .
public static Matrix4x4 CreateWorld(Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up)
Matrix4x4 ret;
CreateWorld(ref position, ref forward, ref up, out ret);
return ret;
/// Creates a new world .
/// The position vector.
/// The forward direction vector.
/// The upward direction vector. Usually .
/// The world as an output parameter.
public static void CreateWorld(
ref Vector3 position,
ref Vector3 forward,
ref Vector3 up,
out Matrix4x4 result
Vector3 x, y, z;
z = Vector3.Normalize(forward);
Vector3.Cross(ref forward, ref up, out x);
Vector3.Cross(ref x, ref forward, out y);
result = new Matrix4x4();
result.Right = x;
result.Up = y;
result.Forward = z;
result.Translation = position;
result.M44 = Fix64.One;
/// Divides the elements of a by the elements of another matrix.
/// Source .
/// Divisor .
/// The result of dividing the matrix.
public static Matrix4x4 Divide(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
matrix1.M11 = matrix1.M11 / matrix2.M11;
matrix1.M12 = matrix1.M12 / matrix2.M12;
matrix1.M13 = matrix1.M13 / matrix2.M13;
matrix1.M14 = matrix1.M14 / matrix2.M14;
matrix1.M21 = matrix1.M21 / matrix2.M21;
matrix1.M22 = matrix1.M22 / matrix2.M22;
matrix1.M23 = matrix1.M23 / matrix2.M23;
matrix1.M24 = matrix1.M24 / matrix2.M24;
matrix1.M31 = matrix1.M31 / matrix2.M31;
matrix1.M32 = matrix1.M32 / matrix2.M32;
matrix1.M33 = matrix1.M33 / matrix2.M33;
matrix1.M34 = matrix1.M34 / matrix2.M34;
matrix1.M41 = matrix1.M41 / matrix2.M41;
matrix1.M42 = matrix1.M42 / matrix2.M42;
matrix1.M43 = matrix1.M43 / matrix2.M43;
matrix1.M44 = matrix1.M44 / matrix2.M44;
return matrix1;
/// Divides the elements of a by the elements of another matrix.
/// Source .
/// Divisor .
/// The result of dividing the matrix as an output parameter.
public static void Divide(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, ref Matrix4x4 matrix2, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = matrix1.M11 / matrix2.M11;
result.M12 = matrix1.M12 / matrix2.M12;
result.M13 = matrix1.M13 / matrix2.M13;
result.M14 = matrix1.M14 / matrix2.M14;
result.M21 = matrix1.M21 / matrix2.M21;
result.M22 = matrix1.M22 / matrix2.M22;
result.M23 = matrix1.M23 / matrix2.M23;
result.M24 = matrix1.M24 / matrix2.M24;
result.M31 = matrix1.M31 / matrix2.M31;
result.M32 = matrix1.M32 / matrix2.M32;
result.M33 = matrix1.M33 / matrix2.M33;
result.M34 = matrix1.M34 / matrix2.M34;
result.M41 = matrix1.M41 / matrix2.M41;
result.M42 = matrix1.M42 / matrix2.M42;
result.M43 = matrix1.M43 / matrix2.M43;
result.M44 = matrix1.M44 / matrix2.M44;
/// Divides the elements of a by a scalar.
/// Source .
/// Divisor scalar.
/// The result of dividing a matrix by a scalar.
public static Matrix4x4 Divide(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Fix64 divider)
Fix64 num = Fix64.One / divider;
matrix1.M11 = matrix1.M11 * num;
matrix1.M12 = matrix1.M12 * num;
matrix1.M13 = matrix1.M13 * num;
matrix1.M14 = matrix1.M14 * num;
matrix1.M21 = matrix1.M21 * num;
matrix1.M22 = matrix1.M22 * num;
matrix1.M23 = matrix1.M23 * num;
matrix1.M24 = matrix1.M24 * num;
matrix1.M31 = matrix1.M31 * num;
matrix1.M32 = matrix1.M32 * num;
matrix1.M33 = matrix1.M33 * num;
matrix1.M34 = matrix1.M34 * num;
matrix1.M41 = matrix1.M41 * num;
matrix1.M42 = matrix1.M42 * num;
matrix1.M43 = matrix1.M43 * num;
matrix1.M44 = matrix1.M44 * num;
return matrix1;
/// Divides the elements of a by a scalar.
/// Source .
/// Divisor scalar.
/// The result of dividing a matrix by a scalar as an output parameter.
public static void Divide(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, Fix64 divider, out Matrix4x4 result)
Fix64 num = Fix64.One / divider;
result.M11 = matrix1.M11 * num;
result.M12 = matrix1.M12 * num;
result.M13 = matrix1.M13 * num;
result.M14 = matrix1.M14 * num;
result.M21 = matrix1.M21 * num;
result.M22 = matrix1.M22 * num;
result.M23 = matrix1.M23 * num;
result.M24 = matrix1.M24 * num;
result.M31 = matrix1.M31 * num;
result.M32 = matrix1.M32 * num;
result.M33 = matrix1.M33 * num;
result.M34 = matrix1.M34 * num;
result.M41 = matrix1.M41 * num;
result.M42 = matrix1.M42 * num;
result.M43 = matrix1.M43 * num;
result.M44 = matrix1.M44 * num;
/// Creates a new that contains a multiplication of two matrix.
/// Source .
/// Source .
/// Result of the matrix multiplication.
public static Matrix4x4 Multiply(
Matrix4x4 matrix1,
Matrix4x4 matrix2
Fix64 m11 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m12 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m13 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m14 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m21 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m22 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m23 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m24 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m31 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m32 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m33 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m34 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m41 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m42 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m43 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m44 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M44)
matrix1.M11 = m11;
matrix1.M12 = m12;
matrix1.M13 = m13;
matrix1.M14 = m14;
matrix1.M21 = m21;
matrix1.M22 = m22;
matrix1.M23 = m23;
matrix1.M24 = m24;
matrix1.M31 = m31;
matrix1.M32 = m32;
matrix1.M33 = m33;
matrix1.M34 = m34;
matrix1.M41 = m41;
matrix1.M42 = m42;
matrix1.M43 = m43;
matrix1.M44 = m44;
return matrix1;
/// Creates a new that contains a multiplication of two matrix.
/// Source .
/// Source .
/// Result of the matrix multiplication as an output parameter.
public static void Multiply(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, ref Matrix4x4 matrix2, out Matrix4x4 result)
Fix64 m11 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m12 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m13 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m14 = (
(matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m21 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m22 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m23 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m24 = (
(matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m31 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m32 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m33 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m34 = (
(matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M44)
Fix64 m41 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M11) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M21) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M31) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M41)
Fix64 m42 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M12) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M22) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M32) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M42)
Fix64 m43 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M13) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M23) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M33) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M43)
Fix64 m44 = (
(matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M14) +
(matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M24) +
(matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M34) +
(matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M44)
result.M11 = m11;
result.M12 = m12;
result.M13 = m13;
result.M14 = m14;
result.M21 = m21;
result.M22 = m22;
result.M23 = m23;
result.M24 = m24;
result.M31 = m31;
result.M32 = m32;
result.M33 = m33;
result.M34 = m34;
result.M41 = m41;
result.M42 = m42;
result.M43 = m43;
result.M44 = m44;
/// Creates a new that contains a multiplication of and a scalar.
/// Source .
/// Scalar value.
/// Result of the matrix multiplication with a scalar.
public static Matrix4x4 Multiply(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Fix64 scaleFactor)
matrix1.M11 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M12 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M13 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M14 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M21 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M22 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M23 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M24 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M31 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M32 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M33 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M34 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M41 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M42 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M43 *= scaleFactor;
matrix1.M44 *= scaleFactor;
return matrix1;
/// Creates a new that contains a multiplication of and a scalar.
/// Source .
/// Scalar value.
/// Result of the matrix multiplication with a scalar as an output parameter.
public static void Multiply(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, Fix64 scaleFactor, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = matrix1.M11 * scaleFactor;
result.M12 = matrix1.M12 * scaleFactor;
result.M13 = matrix1.M13 * scaleFactor;
result.M14 = matrix1.M14 * scaleFactor;
result.M21 = matrix1.M21 * scaleFactor;
result.M22 = matrix1.M22 * scaleFactor;
result.M23 = matrix1.M23 * scaleFactor;
result.M24 = matrix1.M24 * scaleFactor;
result.M31 = matrix1.M31 * scaleFactor;
result.M32 = matrix1.M32 * scaleFactor;
result.M33 = matrix1.M33 * scaleFactor;
result.M34 = matrix1.M34 * scaleFactor;
result.M41 = matrix1.M41 * scaleFactor;
result.M42 = matrix1.M42 * scaleFactor;
result.M43 = matrix1.M43 * scaleFactor;
result.M44 = matrix1.M44 * scaleFactor;
/// Returns a matrix with the all values negated.
/// Source .
/// Result of the matrix negation.
public static Matrix4x4 Negate(Matrix4x4 matrix)
matrix.M11 = -matrix.M11;
matrix.M12 = -matrix.M12;
matrix.M13 = -matrix.M13;
matrix.M14 = -matrix.M14;
matrix.M21 = -matrix.M21;
matrix.M22 = -matrix.M22;
matrix.M23 = -matrix.M23;
matrix.M24 = -matrix.M24;
matrix.M31 = -matrix.M31;
matrix.M32 = -matrix.M32;
matrix.M33 = -matrix.M33;
matrix.M34 = -matrix.M34;
matrix.M41 = -matrix.M41;
matrix.M42 = -matrix.M42;
matrix.M43 = -matrix.M43;
matrix.M44 = -matrix.M44;
return matrix;
/// Returns a matrix with the all values negated.
/// Source .
/// Result of the matrix negation as an output parameter.
public static void Negate(ref Matrix4x4 matrix, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = -matrix.M11;
result.M12 = -matrix.M12;
result.M13 = -matrix.M13;
result.M14 = -matrix.M14;
result.M21 = -matrix.M21;
result.M22 = -matrix.M22;
result.M23 = -matrix.M23;
result.M24 = -matrix.M24;
result.M31 = -matrix.M31;
result.M32 = -matrix.M32;
result.M33 = -matrix.M33;
result.M34 = -matrix.M34;
result.M41 = -matrix.M41;
result.M42 = -matrix.M42;
result.M43 = -matrix.M43;
result.M44 = -matrix.M44;
/// Creates a new that contains subtraction of one matrix from another.
/// The first .
/// The second .
/// The result of the matrix subtraction.
public static Matrix4x4 Subtract(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
matrix1.M11 -= matrix2.M11;
matrix1.M12 -= matrix2.M12;
matrix1.M13 -= matrix2.M13;
matrix1.M14 -= matrix2.M14;
matrix1.M21 -= matrix2.M21;
matrix1.M22 -= matrix2.M22;
matrix1.M23 -= matrix2.M23;
matrix1.M24 -= matrix2.M24;
matrix1.M31 -= matrix2.M31;
matrix1.M32 -= matrix2.M32;
matrix1.M33 -= matrix2.M33;
matrix1.M34 -= matrix2.M34;
matrix1.M41 -= matrix2.M41;
matrix1.M42 -= matrix2.M42;
matrix1.M43 -= matrix2.M43;
matrix1.M44 -= matrix2.M44;
return matrix1;
/// Creates a new that contains subtraction of one matrix from another.
/// The first .
/// The second .
/// The result of the matrix subtraction as an output parameter.
public static void Subtract(ref Matrix4x4 matrix1, ref Matrix4x4 matrix2, out Matrix4x4 result)
result.M11 = matrix1.M11 - matrix2.M11;
result.M12 = matrix1.M12 - matrix2.M12;
result.M13 = matrix1.M13 - matrix2.M13;
result.M14 = matrix1.M14 - matrix2.M14;
result.M21 = matrix1.M21 - matrix2.M21;
result.M22 = matrix1.M22 - matrix2.M22;
result.M23 = matrix1.M23 - matrix2.M23;
result.M24 = matrix1.M24 - matrix2.M24;
result.M31 = matrix1.M31 - matrix2.M31;
result.M32 = matrix1.M32 - matrix2.M32;
result.M33 = matrix1.M33 - matrix2.M33;
result.M34 = matrix1.M34 - matrix2.M34;
result.M41 = matrix1.M41 - matrix2.M41;
result.M42 = matrix1.M42 - matrix2.M42;
result.M43 = matrix1.M43 - matrix2.M43;
result.M44 = matrix1.M44 - matrix2.M44;
/// Swap the matrix rows and columns.
/// The matrix for transposing operation.
/// The new which contains the transposing result.
public static Matrix4x4 Transpose(Matrix4x4 matrix)
Matrix4x4 ret;
Transpose(ref matrix, out ret);
return ret;
/// Swap the matrix rows and columns.
/// The matrix for transposing operation.
/// The new which contains the transposing result as an output parameter.
public static void Transpose(ref Matrix4x4 matrix, out Matrix4x4 result)
Matrix4x4 ret;
ret.M11 = matrix.M11;
ret.M12 = matrix.M21;
ret.M13 = matrix.M31;
ret.M14 = matrix.M41;
ret.M21 = matrix.M12;
ret.M22 = matrix.M22;
ret.M23 = matrix.M32;
ret.M24 = matrix.M42;
ret.M31 = matrix.M13;
ret.M32 = matrix.M23;
ret.M33 = matrix.M33;
ret.M34 = matrix.M43;
ret.M41 = matrix.M14;
ret.M42 = matrix.M24;
ret.M43 = matrix.M34;
ret.M44 = matrix.M44;
result = ret;
public static Matrix4x4 Transform(Matrix4x4 value, Quaternion rotation)
Matrix4x4 result;
Transform(ref value, ref rotation, out result);
return result;
public static void Transform(
ref Matrix4x4 value,
ref Quaternion rotation,
out Matrix4x4 result
Matrix4x4 rotMatrix = CreateFromQuaternion(rotation);
Multiply(ref value, ref rotMatrix, out result);
#region Public Static Operator Overloads
/// Adds two matrixes.
/// Source on the left of the add sign.
/// Source on the right of the add sign.
/// Sum of the matrixes.
public static Matrix4x4 operator +(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return Matrix4x4.Add(matrix1, matrix2);
/// Divides the elements of a by the elements of another .
/// Source on the left of the div sign.
/// Divisor on the right of the div sign.
/// The result of dividing the matrixes.
public static Matrix4x4 operator /(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return Matrix4x4.Divide(matrix1, matrix2);
/// Divides the elements of a by a scalar.
/// Source on the left of the div sign.
/// Divisor scalar on the right of the div sign.
/// The result of dividing a matrix by a scalar.
public static Matrix4x4 operator /(Matrix4x4 matrix, Fix64 divider)
return Matrix4x4.Divide(matrix, divider);
/// Compares whether two instances are equal without any tolerance.
/// Source on the left of the equal sign.
/// Source on the right of the equal sign.
/// true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.
public static bool operator ==(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return matrix1.Equals(matrix2);
/// Compares whether two instances are not equal without any tolerance.
/// Source on the left of the not equal sign.
/// Source on the right of the not equal sign.
/// true if the instances are not equal; false otherwise.
public static bool operator !=(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return !matrix1.Equals(matrix2);
/// Multiplies two matrixes.
/// Source on the left of the mul sign.
/// Source on the right of the mul sign.
/// Result of the matrix multiplication.
/// Using matrix multiplication algorithm - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication.
public static Matrix4x4 operator *(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return Multiply(matrix1, matrix2);
/// Multiplies the elements of matrix by a scalar.
/// Source on the left of the mul sign.
/// Scalar value on the right of the mul sign.
/// Result of the matrix multiplication with a scalar.
public static Matrix4x4 operator *(Matrix4x4 matrix, Fix64 scaleFactor)
return Multiply(matrix, scaleFactor);
/// Subtracts the values of one from another .
/// Source on the left of the sub sign.
/// Source on the right of the sub sign.
/// Result of the matrix subtraction.
public static Matrix4x4 operator -(Matrix4x4 matrix1, Matrix4x4 matrix2)
return Subtract(matrix1, matrix2);
/// Inverts values in the specified .
/// Source on the right of the sub sign.
/// Result of the inversion.
public static Matrix4x4 operator -(Matrix4x4 matrix)
return Negate(matrix);