import { IAnimationData } from './Interfaces/IAnimationData'; import { IFramePinData } from './Interfaces/IFramePinData'; import { IProjectData } from './Interfaces/IProjectData'; export class FrameHandler { private start: number = 0; private frameNumberDiv: HTMLElement; private animationData: IAnimationData; private canvasData: IProjectData; private filenames: string[] = []; private currentFrame: number = 0; private playingAnimation: boolean; private htmlCanvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement; private canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D; private imageElement: HTMLImageElement; private projectData: IProjectData; private frameViewer: HTMLElement; constructor( animationData: IAnimationData, canvasData: IProjectData, htmlCanvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D, frameNumberDiv: HTMLElement, imageElement: HTMLImageElement, projectData: IProjectData, frameViewer: HTMLElement ) { this.animationData = animationData; this.canvasData = canvasData; this.htmlCanvasElement = htmlCanvasElement; this.canvasContext = canvasContext; this.frameNumberDiv = frameNumberDiv; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.windowAnimationUpdate); this.imageElement = imageElement; this.projectData = projectData; this.frameViewer = frameViewer; } public GetCurrentFrame(): number { return this.currentFrame; } public loadFrames(filenames: string[]) { this.filenames = filenames; this.currentFrame = 0; this.RefreshImage(); } public AdvanceFrames(amount: number) { this.currentFrame += amount; if (this.animationData.loop || !this.playingAnimation) { this.currentFrame %= this.filenames.length; } else { if (this.currentFrame > this.filenames.length - 1) { this.playingAnimation = false; this.currentFrame = Math.min(this.currentFrame, this.filenames.length - 1); } } if (this.currentFrame < 0) { this.currentFrame = this.filenames.length - 1; } this.GoToFrame(this.currentFrame); } public GoToFrame(frame: number) { this.currentFrame = frame; this.RefreshImage(); this.projectData.currentFrame = this.currentFrame; this.RefreshFrameViewer(); } public TogglePlayingAnimation() { this.playingAnimation = !this.playingAnimation; if (this.playingAnimation && this.currentFrame === this.filenames.length - 1 && !this.animationData.loop) { this.currentFrame = -1; } } public StopPlayingAnimation() { this.playingAnimation = false; } public GetFilenames(): string[] { return this.filenames; } public ConstructFrameUI = () => { // clear frames let child = this.frameViewer.lastElementChild; while (child) { this.frameViewer.removeChild(child); child = this.frameViewer.lastElementChild; } // construct for (let i = 0; i < this.animationData.frames.length; i++) { const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.frameViewer.appendChild(newDiv); newDiv.className = 'frame'; newDiv.addEventListener('click', () => { this.StopPlayingAnimation(); this.GoToFrame(i); }); } }; public RefreshFrameViewer() { // set all frames to inactive for (let i = 0; i < this.frameViewer.children.length; i++) { this.frameViewer.children[i].classList.remove('selected', 'warning'); } // set current frame to active if (this.frameViewer.children[this.projectData.currentFrame] !== undefined) { this.frameViewer.children[this.projectData.currentFrame].classList.add('selected'); } // check frames for data errors for (let f = 0; f < this.animationData.frames.length; f++) { // this.frameViewer.children[f].classList.add('warning'); if (this.animationData.pins !== undefined) { for (let p = 0; p < this.animationData.pins.length; p++) { if (this.animationData.pins[p] !== undefined) { const pinIDtoCheck = this.animationData.pins[p].id; // console.log('checking frame ' + f + ' for pinID ' + this.animationData.pins[p].name); if (this.frameViewer.children[f] !== undefined) { if (this.animationData.frames[f][pinIDtoCheck] === undefined) { this.frameViewer.children[f].classList.add('warning'); break; } } } } } } } private RefreshImage() { if (this.filenames.length === 0) { // this.frameNumberDiv.className = 'warning'; // this.frameNumberDiv.innerText = 'No images uploaded yet'; } else { this.canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.htmlCanvasElement.width, this.htmlCanvasElement.height); this.canvasContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.imageElement.src = this.filenames[this.currentFrame]; // draw sprite this.canvasContext.drawImage( this.imageElement, 0, 0, this.htmlCanvasElement.width, this.htmlCanvasElement.height ); // draw origin + this.canvasContext.strokeStyle = '#000000'; const originX = this.animationData.originX; const originY = this.animationData.originY; if (originX !== null && originY !== null) { this.DrawCrossHair(500, this.canvasContext, originX, originY); } // frame number update this.frameNumberDiv.className = ''; this.frameNumberDiv.innerText = 'Frame ' + (this.currentFrame + 1).toString() + ' / ' + this.filenames.length.toString(); // draw pins for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.canvasContext.strokeStyle = '#FF0000'; if (this.animationData.frames[this.projectData.currentFrame] !== undefined) { const currentSelectedPinData: IFramePinData = this.animationData.frames[ this.projectData.currentFrame ][i]; if (currentSelectedPinData !== null && currentSelectedPinData !== undefined) { this.DrawCrossHair(50, this.canvasContext, currentSelectedPinData.x, currentSelectedPinData.y); } } } } } private DrawCrossHair(size: number, canvasContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, y: number) { x *= this.canvasData.widthRatio; y *= this.canvasData.heightRatio; canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.moveTo(x, y - size); canvasContext.lineTo(x, y + size); canvasContext.moveTo(x - size, y); canvasContext.lineTo(x + size, y); canvasContext.stroke(); } private windowAnimationUpdate = (timestamp: number) => { if (this.start === 0) { this.start = timestamp; } const progress = timestamp - this.start; if (this.playingAnimation && progress > 1000 / this.animationData.frameRate) { this.AdvanceFrames(1); this.start = 0; } this.RefreshImage(); window.requestAnimationFrame(this.windowAnimationUpdate); // console.log('timestamp = ' + timestamp); }; }